I just finished this letter to my son. We see each other often and talk on the phone regularly. I'm sharing this because it may help you with your own children. Our influence over our children and grandchildren is the most important thing we will ever do in our lives.
My dear Son,
Whether we realize it or not, the entire world is at war. It's a war for our minds. Information warfare. It's very difficult to see clearly through the fog of war. Some that we trusted the most, will be eventually exposed as complete frauds. Realizing and coming to terms with it can be extremely painful. It's painful because we allowed ourselves to be deceived. This is where we really start to learn discernment. Discernment is learned through the pain of deception.
Deception is a necessary tool in the art of war. We want to deceive our enemies, not be deceived by them. The greatest battles in world history were won without ever firing a shot. We just don't hear about them because blood, guts and turmoil sell news stories. The constant crisis we are bombarded with 24/7 clouds our judgment and critical thinking ability. The first casualty of war is the truth. Question everything. Take nothing at face value. Everything we are seeing in U.S. media regarding U.S. interests in Ukraine, is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. It's part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within the DC matrix.
The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific viewpoint within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the past. It is very easy to become a victim of psychological warfare intended to manipulate our opinions. It's alarming to see so many on the right fall for the comic book narrative on Ukraine/Russia. Much of what we are seeing is not real.
Our country has been infiltrated from within. It's not hard to spot the RINO's implanted in the Republican side. They are very skilled at deception or they never would have been elected. Others went in with good intentions but were seduced by power, money and greed. In our quest for truth, we have infiltrators with large audiences who are very influential over people. Some are the real deal and others not. Since I've suffered the pain of deception, I've become really good at spotting these fakes. Sometimes they operate for a long time before they finally out themselves. They always do.
The worst thing we can do is spread misinformation. You know this for a fact as you've seen some of your well meaning friends do it. Clickbait is a very effective tool against the mentally weak. These people are always looking for some kind of inside information and I'm here to tell you there is no such thing. People claiming to be insiders are frauds. Only through diligent open source research can we start to piece together any resemblance of truth. "Diligence is the price of liberty." Most people don't have the inner fortitude necessary to really dig for truth. They turn on the TV or the Internet looking looking for info that aligns with their perception of reality.
My Dad was a diligent reader. When he and my mother were 1st married, he wanted to buy a complete set of the "Great Books of the Western World." They are still in his library. My mother told me years later she objected to him buying these books because at the time they were quite expensive. She also said if she had any idea he would read them all from cover to cover and how much enjoyment he would get from them, she never would have objected. He didn't have a man cave, he had a study. Most men did back then. He always carried a small spiral notebook in his shirt pocket. Every time he came across a word he didn't know the definition, he would look it up in the dictionary and write it down in his spiral notebook. At the time I didn't know what they were for but later looking through his desk, there are hundreds of these little notebooks. A literal map of lifelong learning. I was astounded.
I learned a critical skill years ago when I was younger, running big commercial construction projects. Some in the trades are very smart and others, not so much. I had to quickly assess where they were at mentally so I could relay instructions in a language they could understand. The same thing is true in our everyday lives. It's pointles attempting to convince someone of something that's beyond their comprehension.
The best thing I ever did was unplug from the media propaganda machine. It's literal mind poison. You know this as well as I do as you hear your friends literally quoting the talking points from the media word-for-word. Why wouldn't they? They were never taught critical thinking. They were schooled being given the answers to memorize. Many well meaning educators did this because they thought it was the right thing to do. Others knew exactly what they were doing and did it deliberately. These same people put masks on little children who were never at risk, for the same reason. They never developed any critical thinking skills themselves.
We are all trying to navigate through a storm in very rough seas. Use your educated head along with the common sense the good Lord gave you. Pray for discernment and never give up hope. Without hope all is lost.
Greatest love always,